Суреттегі мәтінді жазыңыз

Дипломдық жұмыстар

Лингвистика, аударма ісі, ағылшын тілі, шет тілдер

Influence of French loan words after the Norman Conquest

Introduction. 3

In Chapter two, we have analysed influence of French loan words after the Norman Conquest 4

Chapter I The initial stage of development of the English language. 5

1.1    The English vocabulary in the Old English period. 5

1.2 The English vocabulary in the Middle English period. 10

1.3 The English vocabulary in the Modern English period. 13

Chapter II Analysis of influence of French loan words after the Norman Conquest 17

2.1 Analysis of borrowings from the French language in Middle English. 17

2.2 Vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar of French loan words in Middle English  20

Conclusion. 24

Bibliography. 25

Appendix A.. 26

Appendix B.. 27


Жұмыс көлемі: 27 бет
Бағасы: 4000 тг.
